Total Beauty Care image 1Total Beauty Care image 1
  • Deep Cleanse - Extractions

    1 hr

    Please note that for this personalised service, the price and time may vary depending on your individual requirements.

  • Deep Cleanse - Extractions + Massage

    1 hr

    Please note that for this personalised service, the price and time may vary depending on your individual requirements.

  • Micronized Marine Algae Mask

    1 hr

    This is a rebalancing treatment for combination skin, cleansing and purifying- remineralizing, ‘thalassotherapy facial'. (no massage). Please note that for this personalised service, the price and time may vary depending on your individual requirements.

  • Thalgodermal

    1 hr

    This is an intensive treatment for acne and problem skins, purifies and soothes. (no massage). Please note that for this personalised service, the price and time may vary depending on your individual requirements.

  • Aquarelle

    1 hr

    This is an intensive hydration to energize and rebalance skin. A veritable ‘ thalassotherapy facial’. Please note that for this personalised service, the price and time may vary depending on your individual requirements.

  • Chronodetox Treatment

    1 hr

    This treatment is for sluggish skin affected by internal and external pollutions using the oxygenating range with the warming mask. Please note that for this personalised service, the price and time may vary depending on your individual requirements.

  • Hydra-Mask Moisture Source

    1 hr

    This is an intensive hydration for skins that are dehydrated with localised flakiness and the sensation of tightness. Please note that for this personalised service, the price and time may vary depending on your individual requirements.

  • Algomega Warm Treatment

    1 hr

    This treatment is excellent for dry skin looking for nourishment and repair restoring comfort, suppleness and radiance to the skin. Please note that for this personalised service, the price and time may vary depending on your individual requirements.

  • Algomega Warm Eye Treatment

    1 hr

    This treatment is excellent for dry eyelids, puffiness and dark circles. Please note that for this personalised service, the price and time may vary depending on your individual requirements.

  • Cold Marine Mask

    1 hr

    This treatment mask is a vasoconstrictor which boosts the blood circulation. The skin is oxygenated, refreshed and brightened. This treatment soothes and softens sensitive skin. Please note that for this personalised service, the price and time may vary depending on your individual requirements.

  • Phone bookings only.
    Call to book: (03) 9563 0060